Sunday, March 9, 2014

Danny Wilde: Contradiction [lyrics]

Danny Wilde: Contradiction [lyrics]

Danny Wilde


My oh my looks like another war
You know we don't want any Commies knockin' on our door
We gonna stop'em now
We gonna hit'em hard
We gonna keep them son's of bitches
Outta our back yard, yeah

They get all the money needed from the President
There ain't no dollars for the needy
'Cause it's all been spent
On guns and ammunition for our friends down south
And now the Communists are takin' food right out of our mouths

Contra, contradiction
Fightin' for freedom
Fact or fiction
Contra, contradiction
Let's give them boys a hand

It seems the liberals in Washington are blowin' steam
'Cause it's a war by proxy, like they've never seen
Brother fightin' brother in a jungle land
You know all that they needed was a helpin' hand
Give the man a cannon, give the boy a gun
'Cause the people in the villages are on the run
Don't wanna hear you puttin' down my Uncle Sam
Now don't it look a little like a Vietnam


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