Friday, March 8, 2013

Annica: Black waves [lyrics]

Annica: Black waves [lyrics]


Black waves

Drowning in black waves
Who was lost
And who was found
No matter in what place
He always seemed to get around
In the beginning
I barely, I barely knew his name
Him moving closer
And the spark began to flame

Time leaves no traces
But the wounds
I failed to mend
A handful of aces
So I play them 'til the end
Love blows a siren
Who is the master
Who is slave
Sometimes too tiring
Killing even the brave

Through the black waves
I try to keep me close
Through these shattered dreams
Of the one I want the most
Through the black waves
I try to keep me close
Through the black waves
Why you go

Chimes under water
Sounds I've surely heard
Fish eye discovering
Clear sight of water world
Like the chameleons
In the shadows we can hide
This our reunion
That nothing can divide


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